Upcoming Local Classes/Workshops

Gardening Fundamentals Class

Topics covered will include Botany for Gardeners, Soils and Fertility, Diseases and Insects, Fruits and Vegetables, Woody Trees and Shrubs, Lawns, Weeds, Integrated Pest Management, Houseplants, Composting and more.
For those wishing to become a certified Wisconsin Master Gardener, this course provides the required horticulture training necessary to enroll in the Master Gardener Onboarding program available in January. Information on how to become a Master Gardener will be provided during this class.

Posted August 31, 2022

Grow Great Gardens with Gusto! – 8 Weeks beginning Sept. 27th, classes are mixture of in-person and online.

Spring 2021 Classes – Getting the most from your Vegetable Garden class handouts – veg garden powerpoint

Tomato Class (Zoom) Handouts – click here Tomato Handout

Master Gardener 2020 Fall Session –

Training classes for those interested in becoming a Wisconsin Master Gardener Volunteer will be offered this fall during October and November. Due to social distancing requirements and limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the training will be offered via 8 live Zoom on-line sessions, supplemented with videos and other activities.

Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who aid the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension by helping people in their communities better understand horticulture, gardening and the environment. Participants are required to attend training classes, complete a standard background check, and pass a final exam to begin volunteering. After contributing 24 hours of volunteer service, participants will be certified as a Wisconsin Master Gardener volunteer.

The training will cover a wide variety of topics, including basic botany, soil science, plant diseases, insects, trees and shrubs, lawn care, flowers and houseplants, wildlife, native plants, composting, fruits and vegetables, and more.  The cost for the program is $60 per individual, or $90 for two people from the same household who will share written materials. Materials include a Foundations in Horticulture training manual, other course materials and newsletters.

Garden “U” 2020 – Saturday March 21st, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Hudson House Hotel (1600 Crest View Dr., Hudson WI 54016) Must register.  Join us as we listen to speakers talk on Wildflowers, Hostas, and Bees! Vendor booths from local businesses will be available during lunch and breaks. Fee is $40 includes lunch. Click here for registration form and more info. → Garden U 2020

Become a Master Gardener

Master Gardener Program:

Brochure with Registration Form: MG_Fall_Class_Brochure 2017

Newsletters/Events from St. Croix County – St. Croix County UWEX Horticulture Webpage


University of Wisconsin – Extension Horticulture Publications

  • http://learningstore.extension.wisc.edu – Visit this web site to review and directly download UW-Extension publications in horticulture or other subjects. Tree and shrub species selection, plant variety, pest control and cultural recommendations are readily available with color pictures.
  • http://www.uwex.edu/ces/wihort/ – This web site is from the UW-Madison Horticulture Department. It includes recently produced Urban Horticulture publications. Detailed horticulture subjects not covered above can likely be found here.
  • http://www.extension.umn.edu/garden/yard-garden/ – This web site is from the University of Minnesota Extension and has very good horticulture publications relevant to the St. Croix Valley.
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