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Trainings & Opportunities

Governance Training Series for New Directors
Outstanding board leadership is a critical component of being a successful cooperative business. Great boards don’t just happen, they are built and honed. Governance training is critical to developing a productive and forward-thinking board and ensuring a positive relationship between the board and management.
Directors have many duties and responsibilities. Every director has a unique combination of skills, expertise, and blind spots to the board room. The stronger the individual directors are, the stronger the board will be as a whole.
This training is designed for new directors from all types and sectors of cooperatives.
Who should attend: Newly elected directors and directors who have not received formal cooperative board training.

Empowering leaders today for a better tomorrow
Accepting Registrations! The deadline to sign up is March 7, 2023.
Elevando Wisconsin is designed to elevate your personal and community leadership skills and build a network of leaders across Wisconsin. The program consists of five online sessions offered in Spanish and English.
Sessions will include:
- Personal Strengths
- Setting Leadership Goals
- Building your network as a leader
- Understanding yourself and others for improved communication
- Network building for leaders
- Keeping cultures alive
- Taking care of yourself so you can lead others
You’ll also make new connections and be part of building a statewide network of leaders!
Empoderando líderes hoy para un mejor mañana
¡Aceptando Inscripciónes! La fecha límite para inscribirse es el 7 de marzo de 2023.
Elevando Wisconsin está diseñado para elevar sus habilidades de liderazgo personal y comunitario y construir una red de líderes en todo Wisconsin. El programa consta de cinco sesiones que se ofrecen en español e inglés.
Las sesiones incluirán:
- Fortalezas personales
- Establecer metas de liderazgo
- Construyendo su red como líder
- Comprenderse a sí mismo y a los demás para mejorar la comunicación
- Creación de redes para líderes
- Manteniendo vivas las culturas
- Cuidándose a uno mismo para poder liderar a otros
¡También hará nuevas conexiones y será parte de la construcción de una red estatal de líderes!

Wisconsin Nonprofits Connect to Learn provides you with opportunities to advance your skills while connecting and learning from your peers. The program covers content that is important to nonprofit leaders while centering the formation of a peer network for ongoing support, mentorship, resource sharing, and collaboration.
Communicate What Matters!
Learn how to create a simple, annual, and focused plan for your organization’s communications.
- Format: Interactive Zoom
- Date: February 15 – March 15, 2023
Wednesdays 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., - Fee: $75 (up to 3 people per organization included in the fee)
Grant Writing Basics Virtual Workshop
February 15th | 10 am to 12 pm | Free to Attend |
Are you a nonprofit, business, or government leader in Wisconsin in need of grant writing skills? Sign up for this informative and hands-on virtual training on grant writing.
- During the workshop participants will learn:
- The outline of a common grant proposal.
- Where to look for funding for your organization.
- The most common grant writing mistakes.
Questions? Contact one of our presenters:
- Addison Vang, Eau Claire, Chippewa, & Dunn Counties: addison.vang@wisc.edu or (715) 590-4775
- Ariga Grigorian, Sawyer County & Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe: ariga.grigoryan@wisc.edu or (715) 638-3295
- Mia Ljung, Outagamie & Winnebago Counties: mia.ljung@wisc.edu or (920) 470-4645
- Patrick Nehring, Brown & Kewaunee Counties: patrick.nehring@wisc.edu or (920) 764-1915